Congrats to WPMA students who won GMTA Competition!

A huge congratulation to 15 WPMA students who won total of 21 awards in the 2021 GMTA (Georgia Music Teachers Association) State Auditions! Bravo to all the winners and their teachers – Amy Chang, William Pu & Martin Gueorguiev!

~ String / Guitar Instrumental Division ~
Outstanding Performer – Conference Recitalist 
Abby Kim (cello) 4/5 grade level
Yining Zhang (violin) 6/7 grade level 

Outstanding Performer 1st Alternate
Yier Zhang (cello) 2/3 grade level
Charlotte Jeong (violin) 4/5 grade level

Outstanding Performer 2nd Alternate
Ellie Kim (violin) 4/5 grade level
Lucas Liu (violin) 6/7 grade level
Jeremiah Jung (violin) 10/11 grade level

Outstanding Performer
Brandon Lee (violin) 10/11 grade level
Jason Seo (viola) 10/11 grade level

Award of Excellence
Abigail Kim (violin) grade 10/11

Honorable Mention
Elijah Kim (cello) 6/7 grade level
Joshua Nguyễn (cello) 7/8 grade level
Jeremy Lee (cello) 10/11 grade level

~ Instrumental Concerto ~
Outstanding Performer 1st Alternate
Jeremiah Jung

Outstanding Performer
Brandon Lee
Yining Zhang

Award of Excellence
Jason Seo
Abigail Kim

Honorable Mention
Jeremy Lee
Elijah Kim
Chloe Sun


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