Sunha Kim
1 hour lessons
Dr. Sunha Kim is a music composer of instrumental music, choral music, musical, orchestral, and music for computer. He began his study of music composition in Korea at Yonsei University, at the University of Houston and at University of Texas at Austin. He has three music degrees (B.M., M.M., D.M.A.), and taught at Yonsei university and at KNUA(Korea National University of Arts) in Korea for 27 years as an instructor and as a full time music professor.
Dr. Kim’s music have been selected and premiered at number of international music festivals. Korean Governments as well as famous musical theatre companies like Hyundai Theatre commissioned four musicals which have been premiered in U.S., Korea, China, Japan, Russia and U.S.. His choral works have been viewed through Youtube over 10,000 times, and Internationally renowned choir masters, Yun Hakwon and Park Shinhwa, have professionally recorded his music. He has directed church choirs for over 30 years.
Dr. Kim is interested in teaching theory through student’s interests, mostly a student’s instrument. He would improvise on the piano to show harmony and melody. Dr. Kim often ask students to play music learned from their lesson to show theory behind the music. Some of his favorite music theory classes are: traditional harmony, keyboard harmony, music analysis, Western music history and K-Pop music history. He writes music for voice, instrument, computer, musical theatre, symphony, and music for choir.
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WPMA raises the bar of music education, with excellent commitment and mission to help students to achieve their higher creative potential.