COVID-19 Safety Policies & Procedures
William Pu Music Academy (WPMA) is following these enhanced procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- All teachers will receive a full vaccination or agree to get regular tests to ensure they do not bring COVID-19 onto WPMA grounds.
- Parents and students 12 years old and up are encouraged to get vaccinated or be tested regularly, and students under 12 years old are encouraged to get tested regularly.
- If a teacher, student, and/or parents gets COVID-19 or is exposed to COVID-19, they agree to quarantine away from WPMA grounds for the most up-to-date Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended amounts of time.
- All teachers, students, and parents will wear masks during lessons.
- Students will wash hands or use hand sanitizer before each lesson.
- Common surfaces like door handles and music stands will be disinfected regularly.
- Students and teachers in a group class will wear masks and take all reasonable efforts to space at least 3 feet apart.
- The lobbies are available for waiting; however, it is preferred that parents either wait in their vehicle or the student be dropped off and then picked up just before and after his/her lesson. If waiting in a WPMA lobby, parents and siblings need to wear masks.